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Cláudia Clemente, João Roque, Carlos Coelho da Silva, José Carlos de Oliveira, Nuno Valente, Leandro Ferreira, João Cayatte, Luís Porto, Pocas Pascoal, Filipe Henriques, Marie Brand, Jo Monteiro, Mónica Santos, Tiago de Carvalho, Miguel Simal, Filipe Henriques, José Farinha, Ricardo Pugschitz de Oliveira, João Teixeira, Emanuel Meliciano, Ricardo Machado


27 film adaptations of 27 short stories by Portuguese authors, brought to the screen by national screenwriters and directors.

The set of 27 films brings us literary insights from 200 years ago to today on the habits, customs and trends of Portuguese society, on screen through contemporary eyes and senses; in surprising, emotional, extended narratives.

Alexandre Herculano, Fernando Pessoa, Eça de Queiroz, Manuel Teixeira Gomes, Miguel Torga, José Saramago, Lídia Jorge, Maria Ondina Braga, Mário de Carvalho, Rui Zink…

27 looks, from literature to cinema, about who the Portuguese, here and around the world, were and are.

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