Cuba Libre

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Henrique Oliveira


Henrique Oliveira


HOP! Films

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Amaury Reinoso, Harlys Becerra Diaz, Sandra Velazquez, Sara Casasnovas, Susana Ruiz, Malcolm Mccarthy, Yasmim Manaia, Juan Martín Gravina, Ezequiel Tronconi, Christian Escuredo, Teresa Tavares, Marcantónio del Carlo, Rui Luís Brás, Rainer Guldener, Jean Christophe Nigonm José Raposo, Álvaro Correia, Eloy Monteiro, Elsa Valentim, Sofia Grillo, Adriano Carvalho, Rui Neto, Salvador Nery, Jenna Thiam, Thomas Brazete, João Santos Silva, Ana Varela, Ricardo Leite, Ricardo Correia, Álvaro Aragonez, Hugo Tourita, Nuno Vinagre, José Guedes, Gonçalo Portela, Rubén Riós, Fátima Mendes, Anay Espichicoque, Alheli Guerrero, Hilda Boza, José Duarte, Stephen Thornton, Rogelio Cabrera, Andrea Valencia, Larisse Paradona, Youjin Kim, Laureano Ortega


The extraordinary biographical story of the life of Annie Silva Pais, the only daughter of the director of Portugal’s political police, endowed with remarkable beauty and sensuality, but also possessor of an enormous spirit of rebellion.

In 1965, at the age of 30 while married to a Swiss diplomat and living in Havana, she abandons her husband and family to give herself to the Cuban revolution, all the while being secretly in love with Che Guevara.

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