About Us
The Portugal Film Commission (PFC), created by Resolution of the Council of Ministers n.º 85/2019, published on 31 May, extended by RCM n.º 70/2022, on 11 August, whose term ended on December 31, 2022.
Decree – Law n.º 13/2023, of February 24 incorporates PFC in the Instituto do Cinema e Audiovisual, I.P. (ICA,I.P.) and it is the intent that the the PFC keep reporting is activity to the members of the Government responsible for the areas of Culture and Tourism.
PFC’s main objectives are:
- Promoting synergies between the creative industries and tourism;
- Providing visibility to Portugal as a destination and improving the tourist experience;
- Affirming Portugal as an international filming destination;
- Communicating with regional film commissions, the diplomatic network and industry association and companies.
These objectives are achieved in line with the law on incentives for capturing films and with cinematographic co-production agreements, removing bureaucratic obstacles , streamlining the process of filming in Portugal.
PFC is currently a member of the AFCI – Association of Film Commissioners International and EUFCN — European Film Commission Network.
PFC team provides all the necessary support to the film and audiovisual sector, providing information, contacts and promoting partnerships for Filming in Portugal
Portugal Film Commission team
Luís Chaby Vaz Film Commissioner
Ana Marques Executive Director
Rita Santos Project Officer
Ana Teresa Oliveira Project Officer